So this is a little embarrassing. I’m a straight man. Completely straight. Pussy only kind of guy. So anyway I was bored one day just surfing for some porn. Maybe a cute face to get me hard and pass the time. So I stumble upon this site not knowing what it was all about and see this knockout, drop dead gorgeous woman. Instantly my cock comes alive. So I’m watching her go down on this guy and she knows what she’s doing. I’m totally into it at this point. My dick’s even starting to leak a little.
So I’m watching right, and then she takes her pants off and this huge dick pops out. She was a tranny and I had no clue. I was completely shocked. She’s so hot! I kept watching out of curiosity. Then out of enjoyment. I don’t know why but this shit gets me off. I found out I could get a $15 off discount to Tranny Surprise here so now I’m not even spending very much to get my itch scratched. Members get even more shemale porn discounts and I honestly can’t get enough.
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